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发布时间:2022-09-20 07:02   浏览量:3

Farewell to the boring winter vacation, ushered in the new semester, and can see teachers and classmates, hehe.

  There are two big things this week, the first is the charity sale, the second is our group regroup!

  Event 1: charity sale. Love before the sale, I don't, don't like in the home, such as plush toys, old gun, etc., after I and Zhang Yuwei cooperate, label small toys, put in the bag, look at these miserable little gadget for me, thought, can sell go out

  When the charity was sold, we shouted at them, and sold all the things, together with our team's self-donation, six people got 363. Five yuan, more than one class, ha ha!

  Event 2: team reorganization. Because yu bin was so unbearable last semester, our team had to change people. But, who is good? Zhang yuwei strongly recommends xu jiulu. As captain, I thought and thought and agreed. Lulu is a good student and will definitely score points for our team. But lulu had some hesitation, and we started to make her a bit of a "horrible" psychological education, lulu finally agreed.

  "Please stand up for all the students in class." The teacher gave the order, several students stood up, I counted, our group only three people, I said to myself: "ah, only three people ah." The kind deskmate hears, remind me to say: "xu jiulu is not your team of?" rightness, also have xu jiulu! I didn't count her in. Oh, maybe I'm not used to it.

  I hope our team can continue to build up a new level!

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