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发布时间:2022-09-20 23:15   浏览量:15

Jiang Anshi applied for a job as a computer programmer in a large foreign-owned computing company. Because he was very well qualified in computing and had extensive experience, he thought that he had a very good chance of getting the job. Three people interviewed him. They started out by asking him questions about his qualifications and experience. He answered confidently.

Suddenly, however, one of the interviewers asked him whether he could work in a team. Jiang Anshi was rather surprised at the question but said, “Yes.” He was then asked why he was interested in this particular job. He explained that the job was very suitable for him as he had done similar work before. He also explained that the salary was better than the salary he was currently receiving. Finally, he was asked if he himself had any questions. He did not.

Jiang Anshi left the interview feeling that he had done well. However, he did not get the job and later found out that the successful applicant had less experience than he had.


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