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发布时间:2022-09-21 05:05   浏览量:2

成语寓言故事:Lu Ban Makes a Magpie鲁班造鹊

  During the Spring and Autumn Period ***770一476 B.C.***, a skillful craftsman named Gongshu Zi in the State of Lu, known to people as "Lu Ban", made a magpie with bamboo and wood.


  A machine was installed in this magpie which, when started, could fly high like a real bird. It actually flew continually for three days and nights before it landed.


  Gongshu Zi greatly appreciated this excellent work of his own.


  When Mo Zi ***Master of the Mohist School*** heard of this, he went immediately to see Gongshu Zi and said to him:


  "As you know, it takes an ordinary carpenter a very short time to make a linchpin of a wheel with the minimum amount of timber. A vehicle with a linchpin inserted into each end of an axle can carry many things and bear a heavy load of 50 dan***1 hectolitre***. But you took painstaking effort to make this wooden magpie. Though pretty and able to fly, it cannot compare with the linchpin in terms of practical value. Things made by a carpenter should be useful for people's life, so that everyone will praise him for his cleverness and skill. Otherwise, he is bound to be derided."


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